International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2471-7576 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijhass

The Effect of Using "Whats App Messenger" in Learning En glish Language among University Students

Author(s): Dr. Mohammad Abd Alhafeez Ali Ta'amneh

This study aimed to find the effect of using "whats app messenger" in learning English Language among university students during the academic year 2015/2016. The participants of the study consisted of 40 students. They were divided into two groups. The control group consisted of 21 students taught in a traditional way while the experimental group consisted of 19 students taught through using a combination between whatsApp and traditional learning the results of this study showed that there were differences in the achievements of the students in the experimental group and the control group. This difference was in favor of the experimental group. The differences between the two groups indicated that integrating the WhatsApp application in teaching English language improved the abilities of the learners of the experimental group.