International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2471-7576 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijhass

Ability and Workload on Organizational Performance through Organizational Commitments: Case Study in Employee Directorate Supervisors in Retirement Funds and Employment Management Agencies

Author(s): Dikdik Kurnia, Suharto, Iwan Kurniawan Subagja

This study aims to determine the effect of ability and workload on the organizational performance simultaneously, determine the effect of the ability to organizational performance partially, determine the effect of workload on the organizational performance partially, determine the effect of organizational commitment on organizational performance partially, determine the effect of ability on performance organization through organizational commitment and determine the effect of workload on organizational performance through organizational commitment. The study was conducted in the supervision Directorate of the Pension Fund and the Social Security Agency Employment FSA. Sampling using saturated samples involving 36 employees in all parts of the organization. Analysis of data using path analysis. Based on data analysis found that the variable ability and workload impact on organizational performance simultaneously. Variable's ability affects organizational performance partially. Variable workload affects organizational performance partially. Organizational commitment variables effect on organizational performance partially. Organizational commitment to organizational performance can provide an improved impact between ability and workload on organizational performance.